Transformation: Good Thing or Bad?

butterflyTake a moment to visualize a cocoon and a butterfly or a plant bulb and a tulip. The idea of transformation is so beautiful in nature. We love to see the outcomes of the change.

Unfortunately, in our daily lives, many people I hear from are struggling with being asked to continually transform.

According to, transformation means to “change in form, appearance or structure.” It sounds so benign on paper, doesn’t it? At work, we are being asked to be continual transformers. So as you finish up 2014 and move into 2015, here are two questions to ask yourself related to this transformation topic.

  1. What’s in it for me to transform?

    It’s okay to think about yourself when big change is on the horizon. It would be silly to gloss over the idea that ongoing transformation is going to affect you – one way or another. So take a few minutes to think about the positive side of transformation (according to what I hear, folks spend plenty of time thinking about the aggravations related to change).

    The answer is different for everyone so a bit of self-reflection is in order here. If you are stuck, ask a family member, coworker or supervisor to help you tease out the benefits.

  2. How can I support my organization as we transform?

    Maybe you are one of those folks who have grabbed transformation by the reins and you look forward to the ride. That’s great! Or maybe, you are thinking, “I’ve had enough change!” Either way, the organization where you work (including your coworkers, boss, leadership team, etc) could use your help moving forward.

What could you do today to support transformation? Or maybe it’s something you need to stop doing (Digging in your heels? Complaining? Sulking? You get the idea). Start by remembering what’s in it for you to change and then connect to how your support will positively affect the outcomes your team, department, division or organization is seeking. That’s what we mean by “win/win”.

Transformers unite! Your time is here!

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