5 Reasons to Complain about Work

ComplaintI hear folks complain about work all the time and I’ll bet you do too. There are posts on Facebook, tweets and casual comments. There’s even a new movie heralding horrible bosses (again).

With that in mind, here are 5 reasons to complain about your job, boss, coworkers, etc.:

  1. You want to get attention and you can’t think of any other way.
  2. You want your friends and family to feel sorry for you.
  3. You like the power you have to get other people to be in a bad mood along side you.
  4. You don’t have anything valuable to say and your complaints fill the “air time”.
  5. You want to make sure everyone thinks you are smarter than your boss.

Now, if you’ve started to bore even yourself with the ongoing complaining, here are 5 reasons to STOP complaining (and even begin sharing compliments about) your workplace:

  1. Your positive mindset creates positive actions and positive outcomes.
  2. Your enthusiasm is contagious and others “catch it”.
  3. Your coworkers truly appreciate you and your positive attitude.
  4. Your customers (internal or external) will be easier to work with so your day will go smoothly.
  5. You will sleep better, have more energy, make more money & live longer (and I really mean all that).

Now the choice is yours. What words will you share today and tomorrow and the day after?

I hope to see you in Professional Paradise!

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