How We Can Each be a Lighthouse in the Storm
Are you feeling overwhelmed or in over your head with everything that’s going on with COVID-19?
If I’m honest about it, I’m feeling a bit that way myself. I’m working to “practice what I preach” so I’m continuing to exercise, meditate and be of service. In this morning’s guided meditation (Insight Timer is my go-to app), the leader talked about being a lighthouse in the storm.
This really resonated with me because the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse is close to where I live. I frequently drive by or see it when I’m on my paddle-board. It inspires me. I think it’s amazing that in 1860 – over 150 years ago – George Gordon Meade, with the authorization of Congress, picked this site and designed the structure to help sailors stay safe on their journeys.
Unfortunately, none of us can stop this storm from happening so here are 3 ideas for how you can be a lighthouse for others today.
Remove Obstacles
- What’s one thing you could do in the next few hours to remove an obstacle for someone around you?
- Remember to be an obstacle remover NOT an obstacle creator.
Recognize Contributions
- What is something you’ve noticed someone doing that is remarkable given the circumstances?
- Remember that positive feedback is a gift you can give no matter what’s happening around you.
Recharge Yourself
- What’s something you can do every hour or two to take care of yourself and maintain your own energy level?
- Remember you have to “put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others”.
I’m working from home and I’m here to support you.
Please fill out the contact form or call if you want to talk or need suggestions for how to stay in Professional Paradise with all that’s going on.